Yes, we're still here, and yes, we've been working hard. Flex-form has us a composite leaf spring on the way, thanks to the excellent work of our guys at the University of Mississippi Department of Mechanical Engineering. Laeger Racing also has our ProTrax parts on the way so hoepfully the UPS gods will smile on us soon... in the meantime:
Hubs are machined! It's a nice change to see 3D models turned into engineering drawings, .dxf files and finally into tangible 6061 chunks. Thanks to Joey at Southern Machining for the excellent work on these parts.
Upper control arm design is completed, and the jig is almost ready. We've got a few more waterjet brackets to pick up from Valley Racks (thanks Brad) and these will be ready for fabrication this weekend. We'll also be adding the final steering head braces and the seat mounts. If the schedule holds, we'll be painting the frame Monday and reinstalling the motor, rear suspension, etc next week. Much more to come.